A Joyous Interview with Mom-to-Be Joy McCarthy

Joy McCarthy


With Mother's Day around the corner and joyous news from our favourite holistic nutritionist, we decided to do a special interview!

Read on to learn more about this inspiring woman and what she's looking forward to most when it comes to being a mom.  


#1 What is your favourite part of your pregnancy so far?

The unconditional love and admiration I already have for my sweet bambina and I haven’t even met her yet. 

#2 How many children do you see yourself having?

Not sure yet.. My hubs is happy with one probably because he’s an only child, but I’m open to more. I guess we’ll see how much energy we have once our baby hits the toddler years! 

#3 Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions?

When my grandmas were both still alive we would all get together for a family dinner — it was a big event with my cousins, aunt and uncle. Now that they are no long around, I always treat my mom to something special by taking her and my dad out for brunch or dinner. I talk to my mom every day either by phone or text and I try to let her know as often as possible that I love and appreciate her whether it’s Mother’s Day or not — she’s the most generous, kind and sweet woman I know. 

#4 Has your mother given you any parenting advice that resonates with you?

Not direct advice, but just by being her sweet and kind self she has shown me what unconditional love is all about. 

#5 What values have you inherited from your upbringing that you would like to pass along to your little one?

Definitely the importance of eating a meal together, as a family. My mom never missed a day of making my brother and I a healthy meal. She worked a full-time job, so did my dad, but somehow she always managed to have dinner on the table and the four of us ate together. Both Walker and I are firm believers in the importance of making healthy and yummy meals. I can’t wait to cook with my sweet little girl in the kitchen! 

#6  What about motherhood are you looking forward to most?

The three of us spending time together whether it’s going to High Park to play or baking together, seeing her discover new things and find her passions in life. I’m looking forward to pretty much everything but most of all I can’t wait to see her beautiful smile. :)

 #7 Do you have any special plans for Mother’s Day this year?

Yes we are getting together with both of our mamas (Walker and I) for dinner. Plus my dad and Walker’s stepdad. It will be a joyous occasion I’m sure!

For some great Mother's Day ideas check out our Joyous Wellness Baskets below:


Wishing all you amazing moms a very happy Mother's Day! 

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